Ripping Audio CD in OpenSolaris
Install the SUNWcdrw package, create the filesystem(s)Open a Terminal and type: 12pfexec pkg install SUNWcdrwpfexec zfs create -o mountpoint=/music rpool/music Create a script12345678910#!/bi
Install the SUNWcdrw package, create the filesystem(s)Open a Terminal and type: 12pfexec pkg install SUNWcdrwpfexec zfs create -o mountpoint=/music rpool/music Create a script12345678910#!/bi
ScriptThis script will save the path and name of all files ending in JPEG in the FN variable.Then goes through each entry and renames the files (and displays the file it’s on) 123456#!/bin/bashFN=$( f
Set sharenfs on the serving computer12suzfs set sharenfs=ro rpool/wav “ro” = read-only“on” = read/write“off” = off The other setting is sharesmb which requires SUNWsmbs SUNWsmbskr, a reboot, and svcad
Set zfs_arc_maxVia 12345678910For example, if an application needs 5 GBytes of memory on a system with36-GBy
Via To have multiple IP addresses on 1 NIC, you need to make aliases. 123456pfexec bashMYIP=
Modified from 1234echo "alias ls='/usr/gnu/bin/ls -hAF --color --group-directories-first'" >> ~/.bashrcecho "alias ll='/usr/gnu/bin/ls -hAlF --co
From 1xset -b Or add to your ~/.bashrc: 1echo "xset -b" >>~/.bashrc You may also need to add it to your ~/.profile 1echo "xset -
Via 1mount -F smbfs //[workgroup;][user[:password]@]server/share mount-point In my case I had to enable smb/client: